Introduction and expertise
You can really say that Jan M Bult has seen it all. Writing business plans, developing strategies, dealing with crisis management, handling media inquiries, congressional hearing testimonies, team motivation and training, international presentations, you name it and he has done it.
Industry experience
Jan M. Bult brings 45 years of relevant experience. After a start as a pharmaceutical sales representative (Ciba-Geigy and Schering AG) he has worked as a product manager (Schering AG) and marketing manager (Rhone Poulenc) before he started to work in the plasma protein sector with BIOTEST.
Geographic responsibilities
His responsibilities grew over time. Starting with a regional responsibility in The Netherlands, it developed to national responsibility, European responsibility and for more than 20 years global responsibility.
Personal experience
You can really say that he has seen it all. Writing business plans, developing strategies, dealing with crisis management, handling media inquiries, testifying at congressional hearings, team motivation and training, making international presentations, you name it and he has done it.
His network with regulatory agencies, medical experts and patient representatives is very impressive and he can open many doors that are closed for others. This network includes many persons and organizations in North America, South America, Europe, Asia and Australia.
Areas of expertise
Media handling, Crisis management, Approaching Regulatory agencies, Patient relations, Understanding cultural differences, Team building and motivation, Dealing with high power individuals, Government affairs, Congress organization, Economics of fractionation.
Media experience
The experience with media is very broad. He has done television interviews in The United States and in Europe as well as newspaper interviews in the United States, Germany, China, Japan, Belgium, The Netherlands.
Congressional hearings
Jan M. Bult was the appointed industry witness in congressional hearings on:
- Availability of immune globulins when there was a global shortage
- GMP compliance with manufacturing of plasma protein therapies
Jan M. Bult has made over 200 presentations to various audiences in different parts of the world.
Multidisciplinary approach
One cannot know it all. He has surrounded himself with talented experts who can be available to support any activity that requires a broad approach. These experts cover:
- Asia (China)
- Regulatory
- Medical science
- Government Affairs
- Manufacturing
For more information click on Bult & Associates.
Personal drivers
“Do the right thing”
I always felt it is important to do the right thing and not the popular thing.
Talk with us and not about us
Many times I have seen that policy makers have an opinion about an industry without having the benefit of direct interactions with that industry. It has always my goal to obtain access to these policy makers and have a seat at the table
Balance between work and life
In my spare time I enjoy many different thigs such as working on my model train sceneries, scuba diving in warm water, bicycle riding and flying a single engine airplane as a pilot.